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Writer's picturelakshya saxena

Building an API Endpoint for Apache Kafka: Step-by-Step Guide for Developers

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This article delves into integrating Apache Kafka with Java Spring Boot, focusing on creating API endpoints for Kafka. It guides you through building APIs that leverage Kafka for efficient real-time data processing. By the end, you’ll understand how to construct a reliable Apache Kafka API, facilitating seamless communication and data streaming in your applications.

Introduction to Apache Kafka?

It is a distributed streaming platform vital in decoupling services and asynchronous communication. It is scalable, provides high throughput, supports real-time processing, and ensures data persistence. We should know some critical points before building an API endpoint for Kafka.

  1. Producers: Applications that send a message from Kafka

  2. Consumers: Applications that read messages from Kafka

  3. Partition: A queue that maintains ordering within itself

  4. Broker: Server that hosts partitions

  5. Topic: Group of partitions form topic

  6. Record: A column in partition

  7. Consumer group: A group subscribing to a topic to read messages.

Getting Started with Kafka

To build an API endpoint for Apache Kafka using Java Spring Boot, you can follow these steps:

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up Kafka on Localhost

Step 1: Download the latest Kakfa from here

website for downloading latest kafka

Step 2: Extract the downloaded Kafka and cd into the Kafka folder

tar -xzf kafka_2.13-3.7.1.tgz
cd kafka_2.13-3.7.1

Step 3: Start the zookeeper service

bin/ config/

Step 4: Start the broker service

bin/ config/

Step 5: Create a topic

bin/ --create --topic <topic_name> --bootstrap-server localhost:9092
terminal command for creating a topic "quickstart-events"

Here, the name of the topic is quickstart-events

Step 6: Start the producer

bin/ --topic quickstart-events --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Step 7: Start the consumer

bin/ --topic quickstart-events --from-beginning --bootstrap-server localhost:9092

Four sections of terminal showing zookeeper, broker, producer and consumer on localhost

Once the producer and consumer are started on localhost, you can notice that every message written in the producer section will be visible in the consumer section after hitting ENTER, as shown below.

gif showing message delivery between producer and consumer

Building API Endpoints for Apache Kafka with Java Spring Boot

Step 8: Start the spring boot project. Go to, enter the name for your desired project, and add the following dependencies :

  1. Spring Web

  2. Lombok

  3. Spring for Apache Kafka

  4. Spring for Apache Kafka Streams

and hit GENERATE

start.spring website to initialize a java springboot project

Step 9: Unzip the downloaded file, open it in your desired IDE (preferably IntelliJ) and start coding.

Make folders as controllers, services and models and create classes and interfaces as shown.

  • KafkaController class (in controllers folder)

@RequestMapping(value = "api/v1/kafka")
public class kafkaController {

    private KafkaService kafkaService;

    public KafkaResponse produceRequest(@RequestBody final 	 KafkaRequest kafkaRequest) {
        return kafkaService.produceRequest(kafkaRequest);
  • IKakaService class (in services folder)

public class IKafkaService implements KafkaService {

    private String TOPIC = "quickstart-events";

    private KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate;

    public KafkaResponse produceRequest(final KafkaRequest kafkaRequest) {
        String message = kafkaRequest.getMessage();
        kafkaTemplate.send(TOPIC, message);
        KafkaResponse kafkaResponse = KafkaResponse.builder()
                .message("message consumed successfully")
        return kafkaResponse;
  • KafkaService interface (in services folder)

public interface KafkaService {
    KafkaResponse produceRequest(final KafkaRequest kafkaRequest);
  • KafkaRequest class (in models folder)

public class KafkaRequest {

    private String message;
  • KafkaResponse class (in models folder)


public class KafkaResponse {

    private Boolean success;
    private String message;

Import all the required classes in each file. You can find the exact code for this in this GitHub repo :

Testing Your Kafka API Endpoints

Step 10: After you have written all the required code for your project, it's time to run and test the application. Before running the application, execute this command.

mvn clean install

This usually deletes previous build artefacts, compiles the code, runs tests, packages it, and installs the package into the local Maven repository.

Step 11: Now, go to the Application file of the project and run it by clicking a play button on the top right corner

Run button in IntelliJ IDE for Java Springboot project

Step 12: Hit the API that we have just written for Kafka producer or just copy-paste this given curl below in the terminal and hit ENTER

curl --location 'localhost:8080/api/v1/kafka/produce' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Cookie: __profilin=p%3Dt' \
--data '{
    "message": "DevRelSquad"

After successfully running the application and executing this curl, you'll notice that the message provided in curl parameters is now showing in the consumer section of the terminal .

localhost consumer with the output message

gif showing message delivered to consumer after hitting curl

Conclusion: Integrating Apache Kafka with Spring Boot:

Using these steps, one can quickly build an API endpoint for Apache Kafka using Java Spring Boot.


Q1. Is Kafka a pull-based or push-based message queue?

Kafka is a pull-based message queue system. Consumers actively pull messages from Kafka rather than having messages pushed to them.

Q2. Can there be more than one consumer for a single message in the partition?

This can happen only when those two consumers are from different consumer groups. Kafka partitions maintain an offset for each consumer group rather than for each consumer. Only one consumer within a consumer group can connect with a partition at a time.

Q3. What happens if a message fails to be processed successfully by a consumer?

If a consumer fails to process a message successfully after some retries, that message is sent into DLQ(Dead Letter Queue). One can perform certain operations on the messages present in DLQ.


Refer to the following links for more detailed information and guides:

Explore the GitHub repository for source code and examples to enhance your projects.

With this knowledge, you can integrate Apache Kafka into your application. Code on and conquer!

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Very well explained ✨

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